This is just a prank we don't intend to hack or do any form of cheating.
This virus is just a simple vbs has .vbs extension
Step 1:- Open Notepad and copy paste this code
X=MsgBox("There was an error the file was not opened properly.Click on Ok to fix it",0+16, "Error In Cmd")
X=MsgBox("Unable to fix this error. Do you want to scan this Computer",3+48,"Computer")
X=MsgBox("Virus detected.Delete It",1+64,"Alert")
X=MsgBox("We need permission to delete it",0+16,"Permission needed")
X=MsgBox("Lol this was only the virus..Deleting system files..45%",1+48,"Clearing cache")
X=MsgBox("Your cache has been cleared...It would have been better if you had visited our website at ",0+64,"It is a prank")
Step 2:- Save this as file with .vbs extension and your prank virus is working..
That was it
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